
How can I buy Maria's paintings?

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Most of the paintings on these pages are for sale. Once in a while we remove those that have been sold and replace them by new works. Maria will also consider commissions. Please feel free to inquire via email or our comments form.


Generally, the price range is from $1000 to $5000 (US dollars). The price depends on size and the artist's preference. We do not have a fixed size/price scale. Prices do not include framing (the paintings are sold unframed), but they do include shipping within the continental United States.

How to proceed

If you are interested in a specific painting, or consider buying, but haven't yet decided which one, -- please write us. We will quote prices and send you photographs of the works that you are interested in, and possibly others that are similar, but not currently on the Web. Or, if Bay Area is within your reach, we will invite you to visit us and see the art in corpore, which is by far the best way to appreciate it. Exact payment arrangements are made on individual basis, because people have different requirements.


Sincerely yours,
Maria Kazanskaya (maria@kazanskaya.com) and Dmitri Manin (manin@pobox.com)